Leo DUBAL, PhD : Publications in the field of high-energy physics
"Identification des protons de recul dans le Missing Mass Spectrometer par la méthode parcours-temps de vol", Travail de diplôme, Université de Genève (1964)
"Un nouvel instrument pour l´investigation du spectre des particules instables", avec H.R. Blieden, D. Freytag, J. Geibel, F. Iselin, W. Kienzle, F. Lefebvres, B. Maglic, J. Séguinot, J. Smith & B. Levrat. H.P.A. 37 (1964) p. 615
"Boson Sprectrum from 1.1 to 1.6 GeV and Properties of A2- Meson Observed by Missing-Mass Spectrometer", with F. Lefebvres, B. Levrat, H.R. Blieden, M.N. Focacci, D. Freytag, J. Geibel, W. Kienzle, B.C. Maglic, M. Martin & J. Orear, Phys. Letters 19 (1965) p. 434 -437
"Evidence for Deviations from One-Pion Exchange Mechanism in r - Production", with H.R. Blieden, M.N. Focacci, W. Kienzle, F. Lefebvres, B. Levrat & B.C. Maglic, Phys. Letters 19 (1966) p. 708-712
"Evidence for a Singly Charged Boson of Mass 1675 MeV and width G =66 MeV", with J. Séguinot, M. Martin, B.C. Maglic, B. Levrat, G. Chikovani, C. Bricman, H.R. Blieden & P. Bareyre, Phys. Letters 19 (1966) p. 712-714
"Structure within the R(1675) Boson and Possible Structure within the A2(1290)", with B. Levrat, C.A. Tolstrup, P. Schübelin, C. Nef, M. Martin, B.C. Maglic, W. Kienzle, M.N. Focacci & G. Chikovani, Physics Letters 22 (1966) p. 714 -718
"Evidence for Three New Charged Bosons of Masses 1929, 2195 and 2382 MeV and Narrow Widths", with G. Chikovani, M.N. Focacci, W. Kienzle, B.C. Maglic, M. Martin, C. Nef, P. Schübelin & J. Séguinot, Phys. Letters 22 (1966) p. 233 -236
"Spectrum of Strange Bosons in the Mass Region 1300 to 2200 MeV observed by Missing-Mass Spectrometer", with P. Bareyre, C. Bricman, G. Chikovani, M.N. Focacci, W. Kienzle, B. Levrat, B.C. Maglic, M. Martin & J. Séguinot, Proceed. 13. Int.Conf. H.E. Physics (1966) p. 138
"Slope of Differential Cross-Section for Inelastic Processes at 12 GeV/c p -p Interaction", with G. Chikovani, M.N. Focacci, W. Kienzle, C. Lechanoine, B. Levrat, B.C. Maglic, M. Martin, C. Nef & P. Schübelin, Physics Letters 23 (1966) p. 157 -160
"Review of Experimental Data on Heavy Bosons between 1.4 and 1.9 GeV", CERN/ NP 10a (1967)
"The Dalitz Quark-Antiquark L-Excitation Model and the Experimental Evidences for Four L=2 Nonets", Helv.Phys.Acta 40 (1967) p. 334
"Evidence for a Two-Peak Structure in the A2 Meson", with G. Chikovani, M.N. Focacci, W. Kienzle, C. Lechanoine, B. Levrat, B.C. Maglic, M. Martin, P. Schübelin, M. Fischer, P. Grieder & C. Nef, Phys.Letters 25B (1967) p. 44-47
"Present Status of Experimental Data on Mesons with I-spin Possibly Greater than One", CERN/NP 10b (1967)
"Experimental Confirmation of R-Meson Structure", with M.N. Focacci, W. Kienzle, C. Lechanoine, B. Levrat, B.C. Maglic, M. Martin, P. Schübelin, G. Chikovani, M. Fischer, P. Grieder, H.A. Neal & C. Nef, Nucl. Phys. B3 (1967) p. 435-440
"Etude du spectre de masse des bosons chargés entre 1,4 et 1,9 GeV/c2", Thèse de doctorat n° 1456, Université de Genève (1967) et CERN/NP 1(1968)
"Particle Properties ( Mesons)" with M. Roos, A. Rosenfeld & P. Söding, Rev. Mod. Phys. 41 (1969) p. 109
"Structure in p +p -- System at 480 MeV", with M. Roos, Nucl. Phys. B12 (1969) p. 146-154 and Proceed. 1st Conf p p and Kp interactions (1969) p. 285
"High Energy Photodisintegration of the Deuteron", with H. Burfeindt, G. Bushhorn, C. Geweniger, P. Heide, P. Kotthaus, H. Wahl & K. Wegener, 4th Int.Symp. on Electr.&Phot. Interactions at High En., (1969) p. 393
"Measurement of Proton Compton Scattering at 6 GeV and Small Momentum Transfers", with G. Bushhorn, L. Criegge, G. Franke, C. Geweniger, P. Heide, P. Kotthaus, G. Poelz, U. Timm, K. Wegener, H. Werner, M. Wong & W. Zimmerman, Phys. Lett. 33B (1970) p. 241-244.
"Evidence for Boson Production via Isobar Decay", with D.J. Brown, Nucl.Phys. B32 (1971) p. 535 -540
"Effective Regge Trajectory for pp® dp +", Lett. Nuovo Cim. 5 (1972) p. 978 -980
"Measurement of Deuteron-Proton Backward Elastic Scattering at Incident Deuteron Momenta 3.43, 4.50, 5.75 and 6.6 GeV/c",with C.K. Hargrove, R.J. McKee, H. Mes, L. Bird, C. Halliwell, E.P. Hincks, R.W. Morrison, J. Walters, A.C. Thompson, J.B. McCaslin and A.R. Smith, Proceed.5th Int.Conf.H.-E. Phys.&Nucl.Struct. (1973) p. 209-212 and Phys.Rev. D9 (1974) p. 597-603
"Complete Differential Cross Section for reaction pp® dp + from 3.0 to 5.0 GeV/c ", with H.C. Anderson, D.A. Larson, L.C. Myrianthopoulos, C.K. Hargrove, E.P. Hincks, R.J. McKee, H. Mes, D. Kessler and A.C. Thompson, Proceed. 5th Int.Conf. High-En. Phys.&Nucl.Struct (1973) p. 205 and Phys.Rev. D9 (1974) p. 580
"A Search for Laser-amplified Cosmic Ray tracks", with R.W. Morrison & C. Swail, Appl. Physics Letters 23 (1973) p. 164-165
"Phenomenological Analysis of Backward 2H(p,p)2H between 14 and 2500 MeV", with C.F. Perdrisat, Lett. al Nuovo Cim. 11 (1974) p. 265 -270
"First results on Pion Scattering by Polarized Proton at SIN", with C. Amsler, C.F. Perdrisat, P. Weymuth, G.H. Eaton, R. Frosch, P. Funk, P.C. Gugelot, A. Janett, S. Mango & F. Požar, HPA 48 (1975) p. 55
"Measurement and Phase-Shift Analysis of the P-Parameter in p +p Scattering at 236 MeV", with C. Amsler, F. Rudolf, P. Weymuth, G.H. Eaton, R. Frosch, S. Mango & F. Požar, Phys.Letters 57B (1975) p. 289 -292
"New Determination of the Upper Limit of the Muon Neutrino Mass", with M. Daum, G.H. Eaton, R. Frosch, J. McCulloch, R.C. Minehart, E. Steiner, C. Amsler & R. Hausamman, Phys.Letters 60B (1976) p. 380 -384
"Measurement of the P-Parameter in p +p Scattering in the Energy Region of the P33 -Resonance", with C. Amsler, G.H. Eaton, R. Frosch, S. Mango, F. Požar & U. Rohrer, Lett.Nuovo Cim. 15 (1976) p. 209-213
"Thep --d Breakup Reaction and D ´s in the Deuteron", with R. Beurtey, J.C. Duchazeaubeneix, H.H. Duhm, J.C. Faivre, J.C. Lugol, J. Saudinos, L. Goldzahl, G. Cvijanovich & C.F. Perdrisat, Phys. Lett. 61B (1976) p. 409-.
"p +p Polarization Revisited", with C. Amsler & P. Wiederkehr, Proceed. 7th Int.Conf. H.-E.Phys.& Nucl.Structure (1977) p. A6
"Measurement of the Polarisation Parameter in Elastic p +p Scattering at 291.4 and 310.0 MeV", with G.E. Eaton, R. Frosch, H. Hirschmann, S. Mango, J. McCulloch, R. Minehart, F. Po~ar, U. Rohrer & P. Wiederkehr, Helv.Phys.Acta 50 (1977) p. 815
"Measurement of the Polarisation Parameter inp -p Scattering at 291.5 and 308.0 MeV", with J.C. Adler, J.P. Perroud, M.T. Tran, G.H. Eaton, R. Frosch, H. Hirschmann, S. Mango, J. McCulloch, P. Shrager, P. Weymuth, P. Wiederkehr, G. Strassner & P. Trüol, Lett. al Nuovo Cim. 23 (1978) p. 381