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6.   Two mountains

Yáng Wénguang, while involved in a military campaign, 
was besieged by
the enemy for three months within Liu zhou.
 He dreamt one night that he
was running toward two mountains:

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His officers and soldiers explained to him: 
"Two mountains: shan (written
the Chinese way, from top to bottom), 
this gives chu : to get out ". 
next day, they indeed managed to break the siege.

Between two mountains there is an opening, 
an exit to an unbearable situation.
The dream can be easily understood: 
no alternative was left to Yáng Wénguang 
other than to dare to escape.

By its symbolism, it is the mirror to Alexander's dream
before the take over of Tyr:
compensation in place of power 


10/23/08 09:41